Commended Entries: 8-10 Years Category
2nd Feb 2016This post celebrates the commended entries for the 8-10 years category. We were thrilled with the level of skill and imagination shown throughout the competition. Serpentine Galleries Director Julia Peyton-Jone said: ”We were overwhelmed by the volume and sophistication of the Pavilions submitted both through the workshops and online. We are delighted that so many young people took up the challenge of having a go at designing their own Pavilions and thinking about how they might be used.’
While everyone’s designs were impressive, the judges felt that along with the winners the following designs were worthy of a special mention as either runners up or commended entrants. Congratulations to the brilliant future architects below.
First runner up Peter, aged 10, was inspired by the De La Warr Pavilion in Bexhill-on-Sea with this double sided curvy staircase design.
Second runner up Amy, aged 10, created a ‘Readax’ Pavilion for reading and relaxing, with words printed on the Pavilion.
10 year-old Aaron’s Pavilion was inspired by fire and shaped like a giant flame.
Anaira’s, age 9, Pavilion was inspired by the night sky and stars
Arne, aged 10, was inspired by nature, placing a tree at the heart of his metal structure.