1. The Promoter of the Build Your Own Pavilion project is The Serpentine Trust of Kensington Gardens, London W2 3XA.
  2. Children aged 8 to 16 are invited to upload a design for their own Pavilion to the Build Your Own Pavilion website. This can be in the form of a model created out of the materials suggested on the Build Your Own Pavilion website or a digital 3D CAD Design. Participants should upload an image of their design in jpeg or pdf format or a link to their 3D CAD design. Image files should be saved at a high quality setting of at least 8 in Photoshop, Adobe RGB (1998), and at least 1500 pixels along the longest dimension. Submitted digital files can be attached to the entry form provided they are less than 18MB in size. Alternatively larger files can be submitted to dropbox or google drive. Upload is via an online entry form available at http://www.byop.yme.so. Participants will be asked to provide their name, their age, a contact email address and a brief description of their design.
    An adult will be required to approve the upload and agree to these Terms and Conditions on behalf of the entrant, by way of a check-box in the online form. The adult may be the child’s parent, guardian or teacher.
  3. The personal data provided will be used for the purposes of administering the project and in accordance with the Serpentine Galleries Privacy and Cookies Policy. Serpentine Galleries will use the contact details provided by the adult to send general updates as to the progress of the project by email.
  4. Submissions to the project cannot be returned so please remember to retain a copy.
  5. All uploaded Pavilion designs must be the original work of the participant and must not infringe the rights of any other party. Serpentine Galleries accepts no responsibility if participants ignore these Terms and Conditions and entrants agree to indemnify Serpentine Galleries against any claim by any third party from any breach of these Terms and Conditions.
  6. Submissions to the project must not contain defamatory, obscene, offensive, or any other unsuitable material. Submissions to the project must be suitable to be published or used online by Serpentine Galleries for audiences of all ages, but in particular for a child audience.
  7. Participants retain the copyright in their submitted designs but grant to Serpentine Galleries a perpetual non-exclusive royalty-free licence to publish, broadcast and post the submission online (including on social media) and on any other platforms yet to be envisaged. This licence will be deemed to include all the necessary rights and permissions to enable such use by Serpentine Galleries,  to complete the administration of this project.
  8. Serpentine Galleries reserve the right to disqualify any submission which breaches any of these Terms and Conditions.
  9. Serpentine Galleries reserve the right to amend these Terms and Conditions if deemed necessary in its opinion, or if circumstances arise outside of its control.
  10. Serpentine Galleries, its sub-contractors, subsidiaries, agencies and/or any other organisation associated with this competition cannot accept any responsibility whatsoever for any technical failure or malfunction or any other problem with any server, Internet access, system or otherwise which may result in any submission being lost or not properly registered or recorded. Proof of sending is not proof of receipt.
  11. These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales.